Harmony Place Rutland Logo
Live, Play, and Thrive in Harmony
Walking Path in Rutland, MA

Harnessing the Power of the Outdoors for Health and Well-Being

Rutland, Massachusetts, has been celebrated for its crisp, fresh air for nearly a century, with people from all walks of life visiting for its health benefits. This legacy lives on at Harmony Place, Rutland’s newest 55+ lifestyle community, currently underway. Here, the power of the outdoors will be harnessed for health and well-being.

The great outdoors, abundant fresh air, natural light, and verdant landscapes offer far more than just visual appeal. It’s a powerful ally for health and well-being, providing numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

Physical activity is fundamental for health, and what better place to engage in it than amidst the revitalizing air of Rutland? Harmony Place’s walking trails will provide an excellent, low-impact exercise option. At the same time, the strategically placed fitness stations will add elements of strength and endurance training.

Outdoor sports like pickleball and bocce promote physical health and encourage social interaction, which is vital for overall well-being. And when enjoyed in Rutland’s invigorating atmosphere, these activities will provide an elevated wellness experience.

However, the power of the outdoors extends beyond just physical benefits. Studies indicate that time spent in green spaces, such as our peaceful pocket parks or community garden, can reduce stress, boost mood, and improve cognitive function. With each breath of Rutland’s clean air, you will support your mental health and invite serenity into your life.

The community spirit is another integral aspect of wellness that thrives outdoors. Beyond the camaraderie of the pickleball and bocce courts, Harmony Place’s dog park will foster social bonds among pet lovers, creating a sense of belonging.

At Harmony Place, we continue Rutland’s legacy as a sanctuary for health and wellness. Our outdoor amenities will encourage active living while providing relaxation, mindfulness, and community-building spaces.

We will begin taking new home reservations in the fall of 2023.

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